Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Whirlwind of Discovery...We DON'T read left to right - we need to go back and forth! (Digraph Diamonds)

I am learning so much and I feel I has so much to learn! Things need to make SENSE for people with dyslexia to learn. We need to teach and learn the rules of language explicitly. Here are a few more discoveries:

Signs of Dyslexia (excerpted from Dr. Sally's book)

A good video here about Teaching Dyslexia which explains that there are about a ZILLION rules for English... I also learned from watching this that English is not just read from left to right. You also have to look at the END of a word to know how to pronounce the beginning of the word. Think of silent e. Thnk of how the multi-syllable words CHANGE the pronunciation of the early vowels. Even look at the word "early" -- the "e" is changed by the "a", so you can't just look from left to right! Think of the the word "partition." How do you know how to pronounce the second "ti" without looking at the "on" ending?

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